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Our Family

In Adventures/ Clear Day Farm/ Country Life/ Our Family

Meet Ebony

We have a new addition to our little farm and family!  Meet Ebony, our little Shetland pony, who just joined our family yesterday afternoon.  She’s a little firecracker who, I think, will fit right in around here.

Our girls are horse crazy and have been for quite a while.  But committing to a horse seemed like a huge step.  And honestly, we weren’t even looking for a pony.  But when my friend, Rebecca of Pearl & Daisy, posted a Kijiji ad about a sweet little pony who was looking for a new home, I sent the link to Michael and basically started to beg.  And then I played the winning card…..telling the girls about her….and that pretty much sealed the deal.  There was messages back and forth with Rebecca, asking questions and making arrangements for a visit.

As much as we wanted a pony, we need she had to be the right fit.  So our first visit to Ebony was to meet her and check her out.  And we told the girls if it isn’t a good match then we can’t take her.  Thankfully, it went well, even though it was a springy kind of day and Ebony was feeling it.  I took a few pictures during our visit and I love this one of Lena, sharing breath with Ebony.  This is how Ebony gets to know someone and be comfortable with them.  This was a special moment caught between the two of them, and I love Rebecca’s expression in the background.  Rebecca has two girls who have outgrown Sweet Ebony and so it seems quite perfect that Ebony should find a new home with two girls again.

I’ll admit I was nervous about trailering Ebony home.  But I guess I didn’t need to worry.  She was fine, freaked out, yes, but she did great.  Admittedly, it wasn’t the easiest task to get her on the trailer but with a ramp and some apples for bribery and loads of patience, we got her on.  Huge thanks to Gordon and Morris MacKinnon for the lend of the trailer { and not taking 2 hours to show Michael the cows 😉 } and to Dad for the truck.

When we got her home, we took her straight to her paddock behind the barn and let her run around a bit, showing her the fence line so she wouldn’t try to bolt through it.  I lead her in and out of the barn a few times, too, but she was more interested in grazing on what bits of green grass she could find.   The girls were in the pasture with her but still a bit nervous of her since they don’t know how she’ll react quite yet.  But each visit to the barn they get more and more confident around her and she is settling in quite well.

Today is blowing like mad and cold, cold, cold and we let her out in the paddock and she loves it!  We’re freezing in the barn and she couldn’t care less about the weather!  They make those Shetland ponies tough!  I think her outdoor weather is not going to be the same as ours!  She has a shaggy coat to keep her warm in weather like this!

I’m excited for our family to have this sweet girl in our lives.  I look forward to working with Ebony to get her settled in and hopefully ready to ride again.  The girls will have so much fun with her!  We’ve laid down the ground rules and fully expect no trouble, the girls realize the honour and privilege of being responsible for this precious pony.  I have fond memories of our pony Chestnut that we had growing up, and I’m happy that our irls will have these memories, too.  Chestnut was your typical stubborn pony and I think Ebony may have some of those some pony tendancies, but that’s what builds character, no?  But this face, though…..

I’m sure Ebony will be a popular face on my blog and Instagram.  I’m even toying with giving her her own Instagram account….but we’ll see about that – I’ll let you know!!

Now, we’re off to the barn yet again!

To be continued,


In Life/ Our Family

10 Things I’d be Happy to Find Under the Tree

As a grown-up, sometimes its hard to decide what exactly we want for Christmas.  We live in a world where we pretty much just go out and buy whatever we want.  So, I thought I would compile a list of a few of my favourite things that I would be happy to find under our tree this year.  Men, these might provide you with a few ideas for your wives, too, because…have you even started shopping yet? Yeah, that’s what I thought….

1. An Earl Grey candle from Foxhound Collection – I have one on my counter now, but this scent is being discontinued to make room for some news scents.  So grab it while you can!

Christmas 20162. A Blanket Scarf from Beck & Boosh – these seem to be all the rage and I would love to get my hands on one.

Blanket Scarf3. New Blundstones – I love my red ones but feel like a charcoal pair would compliment my life. And seriously, can you have too many pairs of footwear?

Blundstones4. Pretty much anything from Phillips and Chestnut…paint, salvage, brushes, old wood, hardware, whatever, I’d be happy with it!

Phillips and Chestnut5. Thrummed Mitts from My Home Apparel – these look so toasty and warm for those cold, long drives to work this winter.

My Home Apparel6. Sweatshirt from Fernweh – love this local company and what they stand for.

Fernweh7. A Coupon for supper out at the Appleseed Modern Diner – I have no intention of cooking the entire time I’m off for a bit of a break, so supper out at one of my favourite places would make me happy!

The Appleseed Modern Diner

8. Cineplex Movie passes – we’d like to go watch Sing with the girls so passes would be perfect!

Sing9. Pottery Lessons – last year Michael gave me pottery lessons with Danielle at Thrown Together Pottery in Truro and I can’t even tell you how much I enjoyed it!  I think it was the best gift I ever received!

farm fresh pottery

10. The last thing can’t be wrapped or stuck in a stocking.  The last thing I’d like for Christmas is very cliché but I want Peace on Earth, I want health for my friends and family, I want happiness to fill the heavy hearts.

Christmas 2016

Merry Christmas from our home to yours! May you make wonderful memories, enjoy the company of those you love and find a tiny babe in a manger who is the Great I Am!

To be continued,


In Our Family

Last Day of School

Well, yesterday was the last day of school for my two littles.  I’m not really sure where the school year went.  It seems like I just took these pictures:


And now I’m taking these:

Last DayLast Day

Last DayLast DayLast DayLast Day

These two are growing up and maturing before my very eyes.  Teeth are falling out and growing back in, Hannah is hilarious without her two front teeth!  They are stretching up and leaning down.  Their personalities are so wonderful and unique, I enjoy them so much!

They both had great school years, fabulous teachers who they are both going to miss next year.  But thankfully the school is small enough that they’ll still be able to chat with them next year.  Hannah settled into Primary very well and loved it.  Her stories of her friends are quite something!  Lena loved Grade 3 and does so well with her reading and writing, I love hearing her read!  We are so proud of all they have learned and achieved this year and the obstacles they’ve overcome!

Last Day

They are excited for this summer because my niece is babysitting for us here at the house.  They have big plans of bike rides, picnics and fun craft projects.   I should unleash the other camera on them so they can photograph all the fun they have and let them blog about it here….that could be pretty entertaining!

I’m easing up my studio schedule so when I’m off, I have more time to hang out with these two and work on my own projects.  I’d like to hit the beach on Wednesdays, as much as possible.  Plus throw in some other random visits on weekends or other evenings, if the weather is good for it.  Summer’s in Nova Scotia are short and the beaches are incredible so we’ve got to make the most of it!

Last Day

So, YAY, it’s Summer!!!!!  Jump for joy!

To be continued,



In Adventures/ Our Family

Ross Farm Museum Tour – Part 2

As promised, here is the second half of our day at Ross Farm Museum.  You can read Part 1 HERE if you missed it!

Ross Farm MuseumThe barn is a very interesting stop along the way.  The main level is filled with animals – cows, sheep, pigs, oxen and the occasional chicken….AND the barn cats!  But the upper level is filled with all sorts of old pieces of equipment.  I’ve seen lots of old equipment in to course of my life { both Dad and the handsome Mr. Byrne LOVE old farm machinery so picture every drive in the country in my life, scoping out old tractors and equipment! } but there are pieces here that I have no idea what they are used for.  Plus, the structure of the barn itself is pretty spectacular!
Ross Farm MuseumRoss Farm MuseumRoss Farm Museum

I recall from our first visit how struck I was by this chicken fencing.  There’s something so simple and yet brilliant about this fence.  I had great plans of recreating this fence at home when I got chickens but that never happened…so I’ll just enjoy the fencing everytime we visit the museum. { We’d like to go back, we heard about a few special weekends planned throughout the upcoming year. }

Ross Farm Museum

This lock caught Michael’s eye when we went into the general store.  He asked me to snap a picture.  So I did, aren’t I a good wife?!?!?  { I really liked it, too…I didn’t mind the request at all, really, but shhhh, don’t tell him!! }

Ross Farm MuseumRoss Farm Museum

I love this style of fencing.  I grew up on a farm with stone fences all over the place, so to see how they would’ve looked back in the day was interesting.  Even our new place {I use the term loosely…as it will be 2 full years next month… } we have stone fences in amongst the apple trees.  The girls wondered why they would’ve piled the stone like that and angled the wood.  So, we explained that the stones would’ve been collected off the land as they plowed and prepared the land for planting.  And this fence wouldn’t stand if it was straight.  It takes more supplies and time but it is a solid fence, meant to stand the test of time, weather and animals.

Ross Farm MuseumRoss Farm MuseumRoss Farm MuseumRoss Farm Museum

There is a working Blacksmith shop on site.  I have since learned that the blacksmith is Matthew, a cousin to a local gal { Hi, Sarah!!! } who was happy to share some stories and facts with me.

Matthew puts shoes on oxen teams here, not just the ones here at the museum, but other teams, as well.  The shoes he makes at the blacksmith shop.  I’m completely blown away with the skill and what blacksmiths can create with something as hard as steel.   He makes things like hinges or whatever they need around the museum, too, I love how they can supply so many of their own needs on site!  And then there are the items he makes to sell at the museum Gift Store….busy guy!!

Ross Farm MuseumRoss Farm MuseumRoss Farm Museum

Matthew also was filling in at the cooper shop so we chatted with him here for a long time, too, about building apple barrels and the history surrounding New Ross and the barrel industry.  Michael finds this shop most fascinating, I think this is probably his favourite stop along the way.  All the wood is cut and milled on site and the barrels that are built here are sold in the Gift Store.  It smelled good in there, all that fresh wood, and the stories were very interesting….but as you can see, Hannah was bored…she was waiting on the wagon ride!

Ross Farm MuseumRoss Farm MuseumRoss Farm Museum

We did take the wagon ride back up to the main area, at this point the rain had started.  But just that short ride wasn’t enough for the girls, so we waited for our next turn, back in the barn, making friends with the pigs { who, as Hannah loves to say, ‘Had a nose as big as her head!!!!’ }  We did the full round, with a front seat view and the attention of the teamster who was so willing to chit chat with us.

Rss Farm Museum

The rain and cool temperatures made us decide it was probably time to call it a day.  We enjoyed the time and made some great memories as a family here.  I would highly recommend taking your family to Ross Farm Museum any time of year, the staff are sure to make it an enjoyable experience!!  In fact, I think the staff are what makes this museum so much better than a ‘regular’ museum.  These people are connected to New Ross and the land here and thus, it is easy for them to speak with knowledge and passion about the history and life on a farm.

Our drive home was spent talking about the things we saw and learned and we each got to talk about our favourite thing.  I’ll admit I was surprised with just how taken the girls were with the pigs!!  We did, however, break up our journey home with a stop for pie and sundaes!!  { Forget the pig with a nose as big as Hannah’s head, Lena ate a piece of pie as big as her head!!! }

To be continued,



In Adventures/ Clear Day Farm/ Country Life/ Life/ Our Family

Clean Slate Snowshoe

Tonight, enough was enough.  The sun was setting, the shadows were lengthening and the clean field was calling.  We strapped on our snowshoes and headed for the barren wasteland known as ‘The Mailbox Field’.

The wasteland that stretched out in front of us has been begging to be explored.  No human footsteps could be seen as far as the eye could see…until the snowplow ridge…but whatever.  The girls had been eyeing this expanse for a few days.  They wanted to explore the other day, but they needed a guide to ensure their safety on the exploration mission.snowshoesnowshoesnowshoesnowshoesnowshoesnowshoe

Exploration completed.  There were coyotes heard, so they replied with their own howls.  The clean snowscape was marred and games were played.   Toes and noses got cold so the mission was drawn to a close.  And the debriefing took place over mugs of hot chocolate, as any good winter mission is ended with.

To be continued,
