In Our Family

Last Day of School

Well, yesterday was the last day of school for my two littles.  I’m not really sure where the school year went.  It seems like I just took these pictures:


And now I’m taking these:

Last DayLast Day

Last DayLast DayLast DayLast Day

These two are growing up and maturing before my very eyes.  Teeth are falling out and growing back in, Hannah is hilarious without her two front teeth!  They are stretching up and leaning down.  Their personalities are so wonderful and unique, I enjoy them so much!

They both had great school years, fabulous teachers who they are both going to miss next year.  But thankfully the school is small enough that they’ll still be able to chat with them next year.  Hannah settled into Primary very well and loved it.  Her stories of her friends are quite something!  Lena loved Grade 3 and does so well with her reading and writing, I love hearing her read!  We are so proud of all they have learned and achieved this year and the obstacles they’ve overcome!

Last Day

They are excited for this summer because my niece is babysitting for us here at the house.  They have big plans of bike rides, picnics and fun craft projects.   I should unleash the other camera on them so they can photograph all the fun they have and let them blog about it here….that could be pretty entertaining!

I’m easing up my studio schedule so when I’m off, I have more time to hang out with these two and work on my own projects.  I’d like to hit the beach on Wednesdays, as much as possible.  Plus throw in some other random visits on weekends or other evenings, if the weather is good for it.  Summer’s in Nova Scotia are short and the beaches are incredible so we’ve got to make the most of it!

Last Day

So, YAY, it’s Summer!!!!!  Jump for joy!

To be continued,



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