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In Life

Beauty in the Broken

I have spent many a summer on the beaches of Nova Scotia over my lifetime.  That’s just one of the amazing things about living here! Fabulous beaches abound!  However, I can not walk along a shoreline and not look for beach glass.  I just can’t.

There is just something about finding those tiny treasures that have been worn smooth by the rolling tides and sandy shores.  I have left the beach with sand between my toes, my pockets filled with fragmented bit of glass and a smile on my face.  There is something so healing and relaxing about wandering along the shore, keeping an eye out for the special simmer of glass.

I think I really got addicted to it when I lived not far from the water, not right on the water, but close enough to hear the waves and the fishing boats.  It took maybe 5 minutes to walk down the cottage lane across the road to the beach and most days, I had my faithful four-legged companion with me, Micky Finn, and we’d have the entire beach to ourselves.  That used to be my weekend treat, wake up early and head down before anyone else was up.  And look for glass.  Mick would run and explore, usually not going too far from me, while I’d stroll along with my head down, scouring the water’s edge for glass.

And then kids came along which meant my attention needed to be on them at all times if we were at the beach.  But as they grew up, I was able to leave them to play in the shallows or the sand while I’d wander a ways up and down the area, looking for glass.

And then this summer happened.  And I really spent so much time on the beach, looking for glass.  I’d specifically go to certain beaches because I knew they were good for glass.  Or I’d want to go to beaches we didn’t usually go to just to see if they had any glass.  The girls favourite beach wasn’t a good one for glass, but loads of fun, so we’d try to compromise and go there often, too. 😉

It’s fun seeing the different colours of glass out there.  I’ve found bottle necks, bottle bottoms, marbles, some black glass which we are certain is pirate’s glass!!  I’ve found a fair amount of blue, a few bits of red and even some yellow.  Of course, green, white and brown are the most common, which is fine by me, I’m happy to find anything!  Even the tiny little pieces that aren’t much bigger than a piece of sand, I’ve taken to calling those pieces ‘crumbs’.

Because I’ve been collecting for so long, I have so much beach glass.  I had little bits in this container, some in that bowl, some on my dresser, a little collection over there and more in jars there.  Everywhere basically.  So this summer I gathered up some of my antique jars and divided it up by colour.  My white jar filled right away, as did my green.  The brown jar is almost full and I have a smaller jar for blue and other special colours that is getting close to being full.  All my pottery and dishware pieces are in a blue glass bowl.  I love the glass, but I have to admit that my pottery pieces are my favourites.

There is something so special about the smoothness created by the force of water and the constant rubbing of the sand.  The ocean takes a jagged, sharp, dangerous piece of garbage and through time and patience turns it into a work of art.  I often think of myself as a piece of broken glass.  Life’s hard knocks taking the fragile glass, breaking it up into tinier pieces of the former whole and then the rhythmic consistency of the ocean smoothing off the hurtful edges and creating a softer, weathered version.  The ocean is healing.  I know I’m not the only who finds being on the shore therapeutic.  Janice and I have spoken frequently about wonderful it was to be able to hit the shoreline throughout 2020 and soak up the healing power of the ocean.  I can’t imagine being landlocked.  I realize how fortunate I am to live a very short drive from the ocean.

I will continue my search on gorgeous winter days, sunny summer nights, alone or with good friends.

Do you love beach glass?  Are you an avid collector?



In Meet Someone New

The Soap Cake Company

I cross paths with a lot of different people in my job. And some of these people are busy doing neat things….like making soap, for instance.

I met Paul and Sandra way back when they bought a vacation property not far from from me and over the years they have become friends.  They have since retired here and have turned their hands to many fun projects – like building the cutest chicken coop, gardening, making stained glass works of art and making soap.

But not just any soap.  They have worked and tweaked and formulated their own secret recipe of goat’s milk soap and created The Soap Cake Company  along with their best friend Christina. I love the twist on the name as in a cake of soap but also soap that looks like cake!  And it’s selling like crazy!  It helps that it is the cutest cupcake shaped soap and that they display it on a tiered display like you would a tier of edible cupcakes….and trust me, these look good enough to eat!  They look so edible, they have to put stickers on them warning people that they really can’t take a bite!

What makes goat’s milks soap so great, you ask?  Well, the high fat and cream content makes it perfect for moisturizing dry skin due to the winter or sensitive skin issues.  The natural acids also act as an exfoliant to remove the dead skin, leaving your skin silky soft!  Did I know any of that before I talked soap with Paul? No, I didn’t!

Besides the adorable cupcakes, they have also made their secret recipe into bars of soap. I love the look of the bars – to see the colours twist and blend together.  Each scent has it’s own colour combination and I’m amazed at the number of scents they make, all with pure essential oils. There are several collections, including a floral collection, a lavender collection, a woodsy one, unscented and a patchouli collection.  There’s more but my brain was on overload when I visited the workshop located above their garage last week! So much to take in and as I know nothing about soap making, it was all new!

They are always developing and trying their hand at new things to add to The Soap Cake Company and one of the more recent additions to their line is Macaron Bathbombs.  Not only are they very pretty, they are great for moisturizing your skin.  I can’t wait to try one out…just need to find a moment of peace to sneak off for a soak in the tub.

Hannah tried a bar of the soap in her most recent shower and when I asked her about it, she said it was amazing!  When I headed off to the shower this morning, I grabbed my bar of Patchouli and Anise to see if I felt the same way….and I’m happy to report I felt squeaky clean and smelled so good!  Lena tried out one of the macaron bath bombs and has silky skin to report!  Success all around!

You can follow them HERE and HERE to keep up on the latest from The Soap Cake Company and if you want to add some to your Christmas shopping HERE is a list of the shops that carry their products.  And stay tuned for a fun giveaway in the coming weeks!



PS I was given some product to try for free but the opinions expressed in this post are my own.


In Faith

Sunday of Joy

Today marks probably my favourite Sunday of Advent – the Sunday of Joy.  I have spent a lot of time thinking and talking about Joy….and finding it!  I love focusing on Joy all year round so I especially love that today’s Advent theme is that of Joy.  { You can read some of my obsession with Joy HERE, HERE, HERE }

You see, Joy is possible to have no matter the circumstances of life.  To me, Joy isn’t the same as happiness.  Joy is deeper, longer lasting and can override some of the more negative emotions that us humans tend to feel.  I am by no means diminishing anyone’s struggle with mental health issues, clinical depression, trauma or grief, to be clear.  I’m speaking more to things like having a bad day or an off week.

Joy is easy for me to find.  It is often the little things that make me smile throughout the day like a dog gleefully running through crunchy leaves, a butterfly flitting around a sweet smelling flower, a snuggle from a sweet girl, or the purr of a cat asleep on my lap.  It might be an elderly couple holding hands, a wee baby’s gummy smile, an eagle soar on the air currents or a scuttling hermit crab on the sand. And spotting these things can make me see the good in the world around me when I’m so turned inward and seeing only the troubles I’m faced with.

We see what we look for.  If all we see is all that is wrong, then we’ll just see more of it.  But if we decide to see the good around us, we notice the way a teenager holds the door open respectfully, or the way the sun filters through the clouds and sheds light across the landscape, the curl of a frosty window or a fellow driver giving you the wave on a busy road when you’re trying to pull out into traffic.  These are all joyful things.  Do you see them?

I have two friends who are spending part of this advent season acknowledging the Joy in their lives and they are encouraging others to do the same.  And I’m 100% cheering them on!!  Suzi Fevens is doing a Moments of Joy Challenge in her Well U Facebook Community and I love it.  { She’s also doing some great Live videos too, from cooking, baking and some crafting, besides all her regular fitness classes! } Michelle McCann is also doing a 42 day countdown to the end of 2020 and finding Joy each day.  It ranges from a humorous mug, to the local deer to her sidekick, Roxy, to sparkly slippers.

As I sat on my comfy new couch scrolling through the socials, I read what Sarah Bessey had to say. “Real joy doesn’t mean that we are sticking our heads in the sand and saying, “it’s fine, we’re fine, everything’s fine” when things are clearly and obviously not fine.”  She goes on to say “Joy is nurtured, not pretending everything is fine, but holding our hope together with our grief, the good news with our sorrow, and naming both as reality.  We practice joy because we are clear-eyed about our realities – all of them.”

Joy – Always.



In Life

Celebrating 20 Years

I know I’ve bragged about how wonderful my friend Janice is already here many times.  I’m not done.  Surprised? When you find a true friend, hang onto them tight.  They will be in your corner 100%.

We met way back on our first day of school in Lower Sackville for Interiors.  That school year kicked off in 1999!!  How crazy is that?  Forever ago and yet it went by in a blink.  2020 marks 20 years since we graduated.

When I wrote THIS post to celebrate Janice’s birthday AND being friends for half her life, I had mentioned/thought about how fun it would be to do a photoshoot with the talented Christine.  Well, a few weeks back, Janice was here to celebrate my birthday and Christine told us to pop by for a quick shoot at Harrier Hill.  You didn’t have to ask me twice.

Here are the results…clearly we had no fun at all…

I will forever be grateful for Janice’s role in my life.  Her willingness to drop everything and come hang out, her fierce protection of me, her loyalty, her faith, her love of her family and community, and her sweet nature…which is mixed with a very healthy dose of sarcasm.  Oh, and her crazy ability to find amazing wardrobe pieces at Value Village!

Plus – she’s a beauty, eh?

I hope that you all have someone like Janice in your life….but you can’t have her, she’s mine….



Special shoutout to Christine for jumping on board with this ‘Friends’ photoshoot!  We’re sorry we laughed and talked our way through it…. 😉

In Faith

Tuesday of Peace

This past Sunday was the second Sunday of Advent and the day slipped by without my sitting down to write down some thoughts.  As we scurried through the day, I knew it was the Sunday of Peace and it wasn’t lost on me that it was a full day, but at least it was spent with friends and family.

Peace is always a tricky one.  What does Peace even mean these days? No fighting between the world’s hot spots? A tranquil river flowing from the mountains? A quiet cup of tea with a friend?  I’m not even sure, I think we need to define Peace for ourselves, in our own way.

Sunday’s Peace for me meant holding a sleeping child while she napped at our house, snug and warm under a blanket.  It meant listening to cousins chatter easily back and forth after some big, hard months.  It meant baking cookies in a home filled with love, happiness and laughter.  It was the giggles of a little boy as we chased the soccer ball around a field.  It meant saying yes to things that mean more changes are on the horizon.  And recognizing that through all the uncertainty that it’ll all be ok… maybe not today or tomorrow, but someday we’ll look back on this season of life and see how far we’ve come.

Years and years ago, I remember seeing a comparison of what Peace was.  Both pictures contained a picture of a bird’s nest.  One nest was tucked in a lush, green forest, safely on a sturdy branch, exactly where you’d expect a nest to be.  The other picture was of a nest built on the jagged edge of a bombed building, nothing but destruction in the background.  Both momma birds sat in their nest, keeping their eggs warm.  I feel like that’s the big question this year, maybe always…which is the picture of Peace?  When it’s easy and the life is rolling along smoothly?  Or when our world is filled with turmoil and chaos?

As I sit here and type this, I’m having an inner debate.  Do I have Peace?  Do I know Peace?  Can I find it?  There’s a low burning ‘something’ in my belly that says that I do, I have every right to be anxious and filled with apprehension and yet I’m not.  Well, not all the time at least. 😉   I look out over the past and into future and see that I have been provided for in some many unexpected ways.

I have this thing with watching birds soar in the air. Especially eagles.  If God is going to care for even the birds of the air, of course He’s got me.  And that reassurance is what gives me Peace.  Today, on an early Tuesday morning on my hand-me-down couch, while the girls sleep nearby and a snuggly cat curls up on my lap, a few days past the Advent Sunday of Peace, yeah, I think I have Peace.  Peace that is an unexpected gift in these troubled times of change, of global pandemics, of life, a Peace that passes all understanding.  It is my heart’s cry that you know this Peace, too, on a Sunday of Advent or an ordinary Tuesday morning.



{ You can read last week’s advent post HERE }