Monthly Archives

December 2017

In Life

Podcast Crazy

A year ago I didn’t know what a podcast was or know how they even worked.  Now, I can’t even imagine life without them.

I’m almost ashamed to admit that.  But I didn’t know and finally found the righ person to ask!  Heather and I were travelling back from the city from THIS WORKSHOP and I asked her about podcasts when she mentioned something about one.  I probably interrupted her…but she was gracious and explained it to me.  She gave me the names of a few of her favourites, so I gave a few a listen and then I was hooked.

So, I thought I would share the Podcast love with you and let you know what some of my favourites are.

Young House Love is a blog I’ve been following for years now and I love their podcast, just as much, called Young House Love Has a Podcast.  { Links to their podcast HERE and the blog HERE }  It might not make much sense that there are design podcasts since it is such a visual field, but strangely enough, it works.  The girls enjoy this podcast, as well, we’ve listened to it in the car on our way to Cape Breton and the time flies by!  John and Sherry are very engaging and humourous to boot, so it’s a no brainer.

The other design podcast I listen to is Chris Loves Julia, again, they also have a blog by the same name.  { iTunes link HERE, blog link HERE }  These guys have a host on the podcast, named Preston, and it took a little getting used to him but now I can’t imagine that podcast without him, even though I cringe at a few of his sayings still…  Chris and Julia recently had a baby, bought a mountain cabin and got a new dog.  Lots of humour, bad singing and sound design advice!

I loved listening to the Vinyl Cafe podcast, too, there are only a few episodes on iTunes but they made me laugh and cry and want to find more Vinyl Cafe goodness, which I know is out there!  I might have to grab a CD or something….maybe ask for something for Christmas!  I love hearing a good story!

How I Built This is a neat business podcast based on interviews with succesful business people.  { iTunes link HERE } I love hearing the stories about where a business got its start and what background the entrepreneur came from, which usually isn’t business-based at all.  Instagram, Toms, 1-800-GOT-JUNK, Airbnb, Kate Spade…all sorts of interesting companies!  Makes me want to build the next big thing!

Some podcasts you really connect with on a deeper level and Mom Struggling Well does that for me. { iTunes links HERE } Emily Thomas, who I feel like I know so well now, interviews different moms who are at different stages of motherhood and they get into the weeds of the struggles and the triumphs of it all – faith, marriage, business but mostly motherhood.  I have cried more tears in my car, listening to Emily and her guests as they openly talk about it all.  But they offer such practical tips to help us moms struggle well.  Because, let’s face it, motherhood is tough!  I can’t get enough of this one!  I’m working my way through all the old episodes and listening to the new ones as they are released, too.  Moms, you need this one in your life!!

So, I had become a podcast junkie, listening primarily in the car and talking to various people about it.  And then one day one of my blogger friends, Erin, posted a picture….a very leading picture of her with a microphone.  I commented that I hoped she was starting a podcast….and she was!!!  So, now I have one more podcast on my list and it’s definitely one I look forward to every week.

Erin of DIY Passion and her friend Jen of Rambling Renovators started the podcast, but aimed it more towards blogger and influencers as well as the marketers within companies.  They’ve called it In the Storyhouse { iTunes links are HERE } and they cover so much in each episode!  Topics that matter to the Farm Fresh side of things, like how to build Instagram, how to leverage Pinterest, does what we do, as influencers, matter and make a difference –  all sorts of topics!  Here’s my problem, I listen while driving which means I can’t take notes and I quite often feel like I need to.  These are the only podcasts that I have re-listened to.  Just because they are so jam-packed with sooo much information!

So, tell me, is there any podcasts that I need to listen to that you absolutely love?  I’m always looking for more!  And I hope you enjoy some of these ones, too!

To be continued,


PS – All photos were totally taken from their websites without permission…

2 In Faith

2nd Sunday of Advent

Today was the Second Sunday of Advent.  Today the candle of Peace was lit.  But Peace was something I had to make the effort to find.

I barely slept last night, which is very rare for me, I usually sleep well.  So we missed church.  I couldn’t gather the gumption to deliver and collect the right children in time to make it to the service.  And I did feel bad.  But instead I lounged around in my pyjamas, drank coffee and took the day.

The irony of today’s candle being the candle of Peace wasn’t lost on me.  Blame the tiredness, the stress of the season and workload, whatever, but today I wasn’t at my finest.  I had real conversation, prayed and tackled a few, easy, mindless things on my list.  I had a variety of girls through the doors today and we crafted, decorated the tree and had hot chocolate together with loads of candy canes and marshmallows and laughed a lot.  That was what my heart needed today.

This afternoon, I laid down and even though I didn’t sleep, I got up feeling much better and more prepared for the week ahead.  { I’m not a good napper, I wake up way crankier than when I went to sleep, just ask my family }  I feel much more peaceful now.  I may not have seen the candles lit, but I made sure I sought Peace out today.  And thankfully, I found what I needed.

It is my hope for you that you find that same Peace.

To be continued,


PS You can read about the First Sunday of Advent HERE

3 In Make Something

Mexican Double Chocolate Biscotti

If you love a good cup of coffee and biscotti, or anything chocolate with a kick, then this recipe is for you!

I’m not one for dipping stuff in my coffee, I hate sludge at the bottom of my cup.  But then I was introduced to biscotti and I was ok with it.  I had been wanting to try making it for a while and when Janice gave me a recipe that had cayenne pepper in it…  I love my chocolate with a kick, whether it’s a bar or hot chocolate.  So, I knew this was the one to try!

Biscotti is pretty simple to make, it just takes some time. Basically, bake your ‘loaf’ and then cut it and bake it again.  I love recipes with simple, basic ingredients that I already have in my cupboard and that I know how to pronounce. 😉

Mexican Double Chocolate Biscotti

1 cup Butter

1 cup White Sugar

1 cup Brown Sugar

2 Eggs

2 cups Flour

1 cup Cocoa

1 tsp. Baking Soda

1 tsp. Cayenne Pepper

1/2 tsp. Salt

1 cup Chocolate Chips

Cream butter and sugar.  Beat in eggs.  Add dry ingredients and mix.  Stir in chips.  Let chill for 1 hour.

Form into 2 logs about 1 inch high, 3 inches wide and 14 inches long.  { I always forgot and make mine too wide and then they widen out even more during baking and make really long biscotti – don’t be like me…. }

Bake at 300 degrees for 30-35 minutes and let cool on a wire rack for 30 minutes.  Slice logs into 1/2 inch wide slices and lay on their side on the cookie sheet and bake for 15 minutes per side.  Let cool completely. Store in an airtight container.  Or just serve with piping hot coffee and good conversation.

I hope you enjoy this recipe.  I know I don’t share a lot of recipes here, but sometimes there’s one that needs to be shared with the world!  I love how warm and inviting our home smells when I bake!

So, tell me, who would you like to sit down and have a hot cup of coffee with and share some biscotti? I’m going to pick my friend Janice!!

To be continued,




1 In Faith/ Life

Ist Sunday of Advent

Today was the first Sunday of Advent.  I always look forward to the Advent Season and I’m determined to really make the most of it this year and not miss a second.

Each year, we get swept up in prep mode for Christmas.  Last year, I wrote about wanting to back up and have a do over { which you can read HERE } but I don’t want to feel that way this year.  I want to soak up every last drop of the anticipation.  I don’t want to miss a song, a light or the chance to spread some love.  I don’t want to miss the baby in the manager for the shopping, baking and decorating.

So, this year, I thought that I might take a few minutes each Sunday evening to capture some of my thoughts here as we prep for Christmas.  And so we begin on this first day of Advent.

This morning found us sitting in our usual pew at church, nestled in beside my parents, singing carols.  Music has such a strong connection to certain events, Christmas especially.  We sang ‘Emmanuel’ this morning and I have to say, of all the names of God, that is the one that strikes closest to my heart.  I’m not sure if it because the church I spent my early years in was Emmanuel Christian Reformed Church or if it is the thought that God is here with us, among us.  Whatever the reason, I love that name.

Pastor Teal spoke about a baby, swaddled in cloth, by his young mother.  This baby, the one we wait for, is Emmanuel.  He is God with us, in human flesh.  This is why we celebrate.  This is why we gather to sing  & worship and even spend time ‘adventing’ { yes, I totally made that word up, but it’s the right word, no? }  We celebrate the Emmanuel, that tiny babe who is God among us.

The first Sunday of Advent is Hope.  We, as Christians, are filled with Hope.  We know the story so well.  We’ve heard it told and re-told over the years.  A wee baby who is the King, our Emmanuel, born in a stable, so lowly, too lowly for a King.  And yet, and yet, there He is, wrapped up tightly against the cold world, protected by His mother.  This wee baby is who generations had hoped for.  Who we still Hope for, especially in the weeks to come, leading up to Christmas.

I Hope for Emmanuel, God with us – do you?

To be continued,
