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December 2014

In Clear Day Farm/ Decorating

Christmas is Coming to Clear Day Farm


Slowly but surely, it is starting to look as though we are in the Christmas season here at Clear Day Farm.  We finally brought the decorations up from the other place.  Took two trips in my car.  When did I acquire so much stuff??  Seems to be the story of my life…

As I type, the Fisher Price Nativity is being set up in the hallway by Hannah….that might get tricky.  There are half empty boxes of decorations scattered throughout the house.  Some things are done, some half done and we haven’t gotten a tree yet.  There are tiny bits of yarn all over the floor from our bottle brush tree making. Those fluffy bits just scatter in the wind, with the help of sock feet, of course.


Hopefully later on today things will look a bit better.  My friend, Catherine, is coming to help me do some decorating outside.  I need to pick up a few supplies for that.  Plus, she’s been hinting that my Christmas gift from her might help in that department and I’m getting it today!! Wahooo!!  Early presents with the added bonus of hanging out with my bestie and getting stuff done!


I’ve found my Christmas Thrift Store Challenge item.  I went to Forbes New to You, I’m always guaranteed to find something wonderful there! Here’s a sneak peek of the ‘Before’…. I love Nativity sets!  So, this will be a great project!


I have all these other projects I’m working on in the studio, but because they are gifts, I can’t say anything!!!  But they are fun projects that I’ve been hired to do!  I was working last night thinking how awesomely cool it is to be able to take on projects like this!  I love to make and create, that’s no secret, but to be hired to do it is….well…perfect!


I realized that I still haven’t posted all the pictures of the goodies I have for sale on the Farm Fresh Facebook Page.  I best get on that!  I may or may not of realized there was a whole collections of bracelets I made that never even made it to the Olde Foundry Market…..they are somewhere in the studio….

Hannah discovered her favourite thing again yesterday. The Santa hat….she sleeps in it, wears it everywhere….even though it is too big for her sweet little head.  But, look at this face… could you say no?


I’m off to continue on with my day.  Progress will be made!!  My To-Do list will hopefully be shorter by the end of this day and this house will feel a little more festive.  I’ll be sure to share the progress!!  If you want to see what I’m up to, feel free to follow me on Instagram!

To be continued,


9 In Make Something

Bottle Brush Trees

I’ve discovered how much fun it is to make little bottle brush trees.  And how incredibly easy it is, too.  Like, crazy simple.  Like, I can’t even believe it!  I owe it all to Virginia over at Fynes Designs.  She shared a tutorial and I scrolled through with my mouth hanging open.  Please, pop over and check it out.  I love how she has them displayed in her baking pans that hang on her wall.  Makes me want to re-do my newly installed plate wall already, actually.

Anyway, I made some the other night when my friend, Alena, was over.  She made some, too, actually, we made quite a few and a new addiction was born.  I even got the kids doing it!!  And you should see their trees!!  So sweet!  I love seeing what they pick for yarn and how they turn out!

Here’s how to make them – or my translation of how to do it!!



Step 1. Select your yarn or fibre.  Wrap it around a tapered cup or lay out short strands, about 2-3″ long.

IMG_9127IMG_9144Step 2. Insert yarn strands or the looped yarn from the cup between a doubled over piece of wire.  I used 20 and 22 gauge….both worked well, but the heavier is what I would use if I hadn’t ran out.  Give the ends a little twist.  This is where you’ll need to clip your loops if you wrapped it around a cup.  Next, grab the top and bottom of the soon to be tree with pliers and twist, twist, twist.  You will be left with a woolly mess like the one below.



Step 3. Trim the woolly mess into a tree shape.  Trim the wire ends and use a cork as a tree stand.

IMG_9132 IMG_9140IMG_9168

Here are what the kids made.

IMG_9149IMG_9158IMG_9154IMG_9155These trees are so much fun! I would highly recommend making these!  I’m looking forward to decorating my new house with my new trees!!  Now, I want a cloche to tuck a few of these under….

To be continued,



In Life



Why, hello there.  I have been completely MIA this week.  My little girl is sick.  It’s so hard to see them so ill and miserable when there’s nothing more you can do for them.  Thankfully, after a few trips to see a doctor, I think we might be on the right road.  I gotta say, what a little trooper that Hannah is.  She has been feeling so utterly miserable but manages to solider on.  Her whole face just reads misery.  Thankfully, it’s just a ear and throat infection at this stage.  We have medicine, Advil, time and snuggles.

When your babies are sick, it’s hard to focus and be present for much else.  I feel like it’s been a whirlwind week of sleepless nights, loads of laundry, and checking the clock to see when she could have her next dose of Advil.  The house has suffered, Lena, I’m sure, is feeling neglected, pretty sure the animals have been fed but really not much else has happened around here.

IMG_8909The house certainly isn’t decorated for Christmas.  Nothing is up except the ducks on the front railing. I did a fun Christmas craft last night with a friend, I’ll share that tomorrow.  But I know it’s time to get this place looking a little more festive.  So, as I was laying in bed, listening to Hannah cough, debating whether I stay under the covers for a bit more or start my day, I had a thought.  I’m going to throw out a another Thrift Store Challenge.

You know as well as I do that the thrift stores are always loaded with Christmas decorations.  I’m challenging you to find something Christmasy and give it a makeover!  Think tacky reindeer, old Santas, Christmas bulbs, a sweet nativity that needs to be brought to this era, anything!!  Send me before and after pictures and let’s recycle some old goodies and help me feel a little more festive!!

If you are taking pictures, use the hashtag #farmfreshthriftchallenge so we can all see what you are up to!  And please, drop me a line if you are going to play along!!  I’d love to know who is in!

Here’s to better, more festive days ahead!!

To be continued,
